Guild Systems (Excel-based)
Hey there! I am finally glad to be sharing one of my most beloved things for this game - Guild Systems based in excel! I know that many cool guilds already use advanced discord bots for this, but honestly I have no idea how to make those yet, so these are my attempts on creating the easiest-to-use Excel Sheets. They're meant to be so easy no excel knowledge should be needed at all! Just follow the guides provided and you should be good to go. Make your guild shine! (And yes, you can use these even if you already got a system, by using my point transfer). Enjoy!
AP/GP System
( Attendance Points / Guild Points System )
Guild System based on total guild points divided by total attendance points. Looted items generate GPs. Guildmates going to mazes generate APs. System Idea 100% created by LuisaRLZ, but used by a lot of guilds. Make sure to read the guide before using.
Version 1.0
Guide (Must Read!)
Video Guide
For All Servers
Last updated 02/08/2023
OG Creator: LuisaRLZ
Submitted By: LuisaRLZ
Discord Bots
Meet my little army of bots! They're all very basic but want to be loved by guilds. Check 'Read More...' below each picture to check what exactly each bot does.
I used to have a lot of trouble keeping them online, but that has finally been fixed after 2 years...
Please note that these bots do not give me access to your guild's discords in any way, and I also have no access to your DMs or anything of that sort. These bots are way too basic for that sort of high IQ stuff.
Timers Bot
( PKO Timers Discord Bot )
Looks up maze timers for Pirate King Online
Invite Bot
For PKO Only
Last updated 14/05/2023
OG Creator: Gaius
Submitted By: LuisaRLZ
List Maker Bot
( Voice Channel Discord Bot )
Makes instant lists of current members in voice chat
Invite Bot
For All Servers
Last updated 14/05/2023
OG Creator: LuisaRLZ
Submitted By: LuisaRLZ
Luisa's Helper Bot
( Helper Discord Bot )
Fulfills some basic tasks such as list making, tweaks sharing and items lookup. THIS BOT IS STILL BEING BUILT. More tasks will be added later.
Invite Bot
For All Servers
Last updated 14/05/2023
OG Creator: LuisaRLZ
Submitted By: LuisaRLZ